Sunday, December 6, 2020

Living with Huawie Mate T8

So I finally got a Huawie Mate T8 after about a year of delay, LOL. It is all good, this season got a discount and a few extra goodies (Moon globe light and cover case).  This blog entry will chronicle my experience. Ups and downs.

Overall, I am liking the tablet a lot. For me, the 8 inch is the perfect format. It's big enough to allow for easy viewing (dang old need reading glasses), but small enough to carry around in my manbag.

I am very surprised to see that this table features a simcard slot! So I can use this as my communication device.

Why Huawie? It is one of the very rare branded few (who is not Samsung - Boycotted) who have released an updated device. This low cost tablet is specced and running Android 10. Also, it is kinda nice to not be monitored by bigbrother Google for a change. But unfortunately, bigbrother Chinese government has replaced them. LOL. But I fully expect a custom ROM will be released for this very soon.

There is a youtube video testing various e-pens on this model. All but the simplest worked. But the seller did show me a e-pen purchased from shopee that does work with it! It is marked "gen 4". Will post the link when I get it from my seller.

App Notes:

Apps with issues:

  • Mi Home (by Xiaomi) - opens shortly then auto closes.
Game with issues:
  • Plant vs Zombies Heroes - stuck in a downloading / updating state. Could just be E.A. servers are crap. Will update as the situation develops.

Apps working perfectly

  • Plex 
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Shopee
  • Lazada
  • Grab